Daily Programme
- 7: 30 Greeting and Individual choice activity – Children arrive, greet their teachers and are able to freely choose a range of games, activities and construction toys set in their classrooms.
- 7:45 Early Morning Ring – A Teacher directed time when children share news, discuss the calendar and weather and any interesting topics, this time also includes songs, numeracy and choosing helpers.
- 8:05 Skills and Cognitive development – A skills based time where children complete a theme based, teacher directed activity focusing on cognitive development or fine motor development. These activities include cutting, colouring, listening skills and learning new games.
- 8:30 Individual Choice Activities – During this time children are allowed to play freely in any of the areas in the school, including, Fantasy, Creative, Cognitive, Small garden (sensopathic tray, Sand pit and Jungle gyms) and Large Garden (Jungle gyms, Bike track, Ball skills, large motor activities). Each of these areas is supervised by a qualified teacher and observations are often made on the children’s choices and how they are learning through play. Children are able to move from one activity to another, changing their areas and play activities, initiating their own play and joining in other games and activities.
- Toilet Routine – A teacher facilitated time where children learn bathroom routines, hygiene and independence.
- 9:45 Snack – Parents provide a healthy snack which children have in their classrooms with their teacher directing discussion on healthy eating, good manners and interacting with peers.
- 10:15 Whole Group Activities – A teacher directed ring time specifically planned for learning through singing, movement, P.E, Drama, Cognitive discussion and the acquisition of skills and exploration of the chosen theme or topic.
- Toilet Routine
- 10:45 Individual choice activities – During this second free play time the Pre Grade R Children are able to choose activities in the small garden, sensopathic trays, sand pit and jungle gyms. Children are also encouraged to help the teachers tidy this area, wash toys and care for the equipment.
- 11:00 – 11:30 – Red group skills development. The Red group have an extra theme related concepts and skills time where they complete another focused skills based activity.
- 11:20 Story and Language extension – A teacher directed time where a child learns concentration, language enrichment and to expand their knowledge and experience through books and stories.
- 12:00 Home Time
The Pre Grade R programme is specially designed to nurture, develop and enhance each child’s creativity, independence, emotional and social development as well as motor skills and adjusting to the school routines, these are encouraged through a balance of structured teacher directed activities, self-discovery and learning through play.
The children are exposed to a wide variety of specifically designed age–appropriate ‘rings’ including music, movement, P.E, object studies, creative arts and cognitive discussions, early numeracy, basic science and drama.
Our teachers are well qualified and specialized in teaching in the pre-primary and foundation phase; together they plan detailed theme related activities, concepts, songs and skills to develop and encourage the young learner.
With a strong link to environmental studies throughout the school, each group is a part of an environmental club, meeting once a week in the second and third terms, Garden Club and Young Explorers where children learn about their environment, caring for their surroundings, people, plants and animals; discovering, experimenting and exploring the world around them.