The Parent Support Group (P.S.G) is a group of energetic moms and dads who are actively involved at The Birches through fundraising for short and long term projects at the school.
As we receive very little funding from the Government and school fees are used to cover the basic running costs of the school the funds raised from various events throughout the year allow our school to constantly improve the level of educational equipment we can offer our children.
However, as much as these are all very much welcomed and important, the number one reason for our moms and dads to join the P.S.G is for our children. The proud smile on their faces as they see you “busy at their school” is truly priceless. The fact that the parents deem “their” school as important makes them view The Birches in the same way. Research has shown that children whose parents are actively involved in their school tend to make better choices in their school career when it comes to choosing friends and taking school in general, seriously. There is no coincidence that children who achieve are often the children of the parents involved at the school!